Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What a looooong, strange trip its been!

Been out of action because of a surgery and recovery. Once a week have been taking classes and finally today hit it up at the gym!

This morning at 7am a very tired yet determined a.m. gym rat completed the following:1 mile elitical level 3 1230min
1 mile treadmill incline 2 1330min
Concurrently completed ladders: (meaning 1 squat, 10 pushup, 2 squat 9 pushup, and so on)
1-10 squats on bosu
10-1 push up knee on bosu
30 second plank feet on bosu

Feels good to be getting back to it! Current weight is sub 140 so I am happy about that, and once I hit sub 130 I will be a little more forthcoming on the specific number ;) I am a girl you know!